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10 months ago

It’s your decision, which country appeals to you more. Each of these countries has its advantages and disadvantages.

Check out the modalities for a year abroad in each of the countries and the costs incurred. Then there may be the first decision.

Norway would have the advantage that it is not far away. However, you would probably have to go to an international school, because your Norwegian will still be able to expand if at all.

New Zealand has the widest distance and is also quite expensive. Apart from that, New Zealand is of course a dream.

Canada’s kind of in between. It is closer to NZ, has beautiful landscapes, you can choose from two languages, depending on where to go.

I think I would have liked my decision here for Canada. But that would be my decision. You have to find out and decide for yourself. Good luck.

10 months ago


a year abroad during school, a student exchange, is a good idea. To your question, you can only decide where to go. For this:

  • The purpose of student exchange is that you get to know another culture, country, people and language well. So the question is: What culture do you care?
  • A good overview of criteria for selecting the host country and tips on how to proceed here

The student exchange is a larger project. In any case, the procedure shall apply: You should systematically prepare the student exchange. There are

An overview of the tasks of the exchange organisations and how to find the best provider this blog post

Best regards

10 months ago

I just love the country. I made my year abroad myself and found the right choice. Norway would also be interesting, but I would not have dared to have a foreign year in a country whose language I cannot. (In particular, if you want to acknowledge the year).

New Zealand I found interesting then

But at least at my time, New Zealand and Australia were loosely 10,000 euros above the price for Canada and therefore simply too expensive.

10 months ago

Of the three, I would probably take Norway because it is first the only non-English-speaking country and I always think English can (and must) be very easy to learn in school, education, profession, there are extremely many offers; and student exchange is a very good and more rare way to learn another language. Another very strong argument: it is much cheaper than Canada or New Zealand. In addition, although Canada and New Zealand are certainly also very beautiful countries, but also very “mainstream” in student exchange. The landscape is certainly all three very attractive, but in the exchange of pupils it is not so much possible to explore the host country in a touristic way (currently, financially and also legally, and from the rules of the exchange organization). Student exchange is about living an authentic everyday life of a local student for one year. And what else: Canada and New Zealand are typical immigration countries with a not quite so beautiful colonization history that continues to this day, for example, indigenous women in Canada are forced sterilized to this day (!!!). In contrast, Norway has always been the country of people whose descendants are the Norwegians today.

… I hope that was well founded now;)

10 months ago
Reply to  warai87

Oh, and another argument especially against Canada: the forest fires. In the long term, if you have made an exchange year in a country, you usually feel connected to the country for a lifetime. And if I imagine that I wear Canada in my heart and then read for the rest of my life year after year in the news that again so many football fields have burned down forest…. Climate change is everywhere, but I would rather watch a glacier in Norway melt than a forest in Canada when flaking.

10 months ago
Reply to  warai87

What did you smoke? You’ve never given so much nonsense to you. I’m shocked and can only shake my head.

10 months ago

Do you seriously think I didn’t inform myself and saw the report. What do you think I am? For an ambulance?

If you feel so attacked, then I must have hit the black one. The attack mode can only be found with you. I never grieve, but speak plain. If you can’t handle it and feel attacked, it’s not my problem.

Too bad I had a good opinion of you so far. You did not do that with this post. Topic done.

10 months ago

Aha, and because I highlighted Canada, do you dare me if I “smoothed” that I wrote “so much bullshit” and “blew such a crap” that you “socked”, “smell” only with the head and don’t want to discuss anymore? You don’t think there was only the sentence “Canada to be highlighted so I find exaggerated” enough?

No, I think you’ve heard about it for the first time yesterday, couldn’t believe it, but you didn’t have the trouble to google it for a moment, you’d rather be right in the attack modu, and you’d rather tear a leg out than give you the bumps to admit it.

And this isn’t the subject, but it’s my communication with you.

10 months ago

Of course, there were reports on the handling of the indigenous population and that this was not all good and right, you also know from history in many countries from the USA to South America and Africa to Australia. Now that Canada wants to be particularly highlighted, I think it is excessive.

Because it burned once, you generalize it? There are other parts in the world that are far more affected and that are regularly. You only consider the annual fires in California if you want to stay on the same continent.

10 months ago

Oh, and I have nothing against Canada. It is still a beautiful country with mostly friendly people.

10 months ago

And how do you want to prove your claims for dealing with indigenous peoples in Canada? Hearing or what.

No, for example, with this article of the Tagesschau:

Forest fires rarely occur in Canada. Have you confused this with Australia?

No, I was referring to Canada, where last year the largest forest fire on Canadian soil has taken place since recording.

10 months ago

In concrete terms, you wrote a lot of nonsense, especially in relation to Canada. What’s wrong with Canada? Forest fires rarely occur in Canada. Have you confused that with Australia? And how do you want to prove your claims for dealing with indigenous peoples in Canada? Hearing or what.

And no, if you take such a crap, I don’t like to discuss it. It doesn’t matter. I’m very disappointed with what you wrote. Maybe you should focus more on Japan, because you know better. Topic done.

10 months ago

I didn’t smoke anything. If you could become a little more concrete, you might be entertained (reasonable, understand yourself).

10 months ago

Mostly because of the climate.

10 months ago

New Zealand would be very interested in me.

10 months ago

Nice country, nice people.

10 months ago

Norway, because .. not so far away! 🙂