Where would you definitely be more afraid?
Hello everyone, I'm very curious and wanted to know where you would be more afraid. Personally, I'm very afraid of walking around alone in the forest at night (or even during the day😌). I'm 1. very afraid of wild boars and 2. afraid of rapists/murderers; there are enough idiots out there. I'd be happy to hear your answers.
In the village of a cannibal tribe.
Personally, the level of fear does not depend on the time of day. It seems more creepy at night in the woods, but I find it more pleasantly athmosphere-like and also feels good at night in the forest.
Also in the city I am not afraid, but it is clearly more dangerous here, and it is clearly more probable that you meet a rapist or other shady characters in the city.
If I were a woman, I might have more fear than 1.90 big guy.
In the forest, only the danger of violent wild boars is greater.
I’ve never been afraid at night in the woods. If you want to film animals, you have to get up very early and go to the forest in the middle of the night. Only then you are in the blue hour before sunrise at the place where you can observe the animals. In September, when the deer is standing in the Brunft, for me is the most beautiful time of the year. I’m out almost every night. Once I went to my viewpoint and oriented myself to the stars and the treetops. Even on the lights that I went over, it was dark. But I could hear the deer, their races, bumps and pushing, the noise of their consecration, their sniffs and their exhausted moaning. I was so close to them that I could smell their sweat. Right next to me, I heard them fighting. Surely I came to her on arm length, only I didn’t see her this black night. It was incredibly exciting to go through the fighting deer, but I wasn’t afraid. I’m afraid of lumpy car drivers in the city, or drunk people who touch me. The forest doesn’t scare me.
Of course, you can only film when it becomes at least a little bright.
Nice answer. I also like to observe very animals. 😊
On an abandoned island at night
Like the surroundings in the city and in the forest you know, but on an abandoned island you can never know. Since I have panic fear of snakes anyway, and snakes are on islands, this would be suboptimal. Generally, the environment is very gloomy and mysterious.
In the woods I would even find it completely relaxing (because I had already walked by night) 😂😂
At night in a big city, I’d feel kind of upset. I’d be afraid.
But it can also be because I’m just a village man. xD
The big city I find more predictable but such a wild boar at night in the forest I really don’t have to (even if the danger is really low at the end)
I guess both about the same…
At night alone in a rowboat on the Atlantic!
Barfuss alone on the North Pole.
Or during my days in the shark basin.