Wo wird Matcha Pulver verkauft?
Hallo, ich wollte fragen, in welchen Supermärkten Matcha Pulver, also für die Herstellung eines Matcha Drinks, verkauft werden und wie teuer sowas ungefähr ist?
Danke 🙂
Hallo, ich wollte fragen, in welchen Supermärkten Matcha Pulver, also für die Herstellung eines Matcha Drinks, verkauft werden und wie teuer sowas ungefähr ist?
Danke 🙂
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Hey, ich würde gerne wissen, was ihr gerne grillt 🙂
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Frag nicht ich hab hunger hahaha
naja zb at Dm for 8,95, also vllt in your bioshop of trust
I’d rather order something like that at amazon or something. there have more choice and it is often not so expensive
I’m sure I’ll buy some
Thank you, so you can also make drinks with the powder, so what kind of smoothies? Or just tea?
you can just stir it in the what you’re doing.
Oki understand, thanks 🙂
I can’t tell you that.
But I use a trick to pulverize dry leaves PORTIONSWEISE, very gentle for the valuable flavonoids that remain so preserved while they are hardly industrially preserved in purchased powders.
I rub the leaves a little with my hand and then let them choke in the smoothie mixer. I decide myself about the degree of fineness. I often do that with spices.
Maybe my advice will save you some euros?
Thank you, I didn’t know. Where are these leaves bought?
Powdering has been my idea! (==> ‘Who invented it? – you know 😆 ?
But I just see that with my usual tea address, the herbal house Lindig in Munich, only the powder is sold. ==>Matcha powder Japan <== Their blog is also good, I find.
So you can just remember my trick for other cases. ECT
Sure. *
There you go 70 g Matcha to 14,95, € – unbeatable, I find (if you compare!)
Ok understand 🙂 haha definitely thank you!
Matcha tea powder is available at dm, 30 grams 8,95 €
Photo: dm.de
Thank you, but there’s tea. I’d rather get a real drink, could you use it?
Well, actually it’s tea powder, but also suitable for your purposes, look here:
from: dm.de
Ahh oki, thank you.
matcha is green tea. Green tea is actually the same as black tea. There’s both in every shop where there’s tea.
I think green tea is good to call for maximum benefits.
But the body also has to recover from this high performance.
Matcha? Would go to an Asian shop.