Wo und wie kann ich einen QR Code erstellen, der niemals unscannbar wird?

Sodass man ihn auch nach Jahren oder 20 Jahren scannen kann und auf die selbe Seite/bilder etc. Kommt.

weil ich war bspw. Schon auf paar Seiten und dort meinen sie der war Code sei nur 13 Tage gültig und ist danach nicht mehr aktiv.

wie kann ich das machen sodass er lange aktiv bleibt ? Jahre lang bis Ende.

ist für was sehr wichtiges.

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10 months ago

A QR code works permanently (otherwise the page you are linked to would not be displayed at all).

Therefore, the greatest problem is the resistance of the pressure medium and its storage location. But 20 years overdue paper in foil or welded in a UV resistant folder.

10 months ago
Reply to  Tailenah

Then this is because this page specifies a different side than QR, which will only give you to your side, and then to the actual forwarding.

I remember thinking KDE had barcode scanners. https://apps.kde.org/qrca/

10 months ago
Reply to  Tailenah

That’s the problem if you do something free!

10 months ago

Hello, Tailenah,

You need to load your QR code as a graphic, e.g. .png down and then upload somewhere where it is no longer deleted. 😊

The QR code does not fall. As long as he is not deleted, he will always work.

Save the image file on your PC / laptop / cell phone and save the web address so that you can generate a new QR code in the worst case. 😊

10 months ago
Reply to  Tailenah

Yes, the QR image remains active forever.

I believe the provider of deletes the images after 14 days from its website to save storage space.

You have to cancel the image somewhere else, then the QR code will always remain valid. 😊

10 months ago

A QR code is just a piece of text, no more.

The problem is more the side where he shows that there is no longer any