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Ein Zug fährt in A um 6:00 Uhr los; er fährt 80 km/h. Ein anderer Zug fährt ihm von B aus (Abfahrt 9:00 Uhr) mit 120 km/h entgegen. Um wie viel Uhr treffen sich die Züge, wenn A von B 840 km entfernt ist?:*
Local transport service. I don’t know where you live (so Örtlichkeik)… I’m under stone for my part and here are all from a company that has a headquarters. I’ll call if something doesn’t taste, and if it’s not a technical failure, the dude’s probably going on his job when he’s really messed up.
For most bus lines, the public hand pays a grant. What is this is different regionally. But of course, these places have an interest in the fact that the trips they have paid also take place. What city or district is it?
It is line 352 from Milse to Herford (via Elverdissen), i.e. a district of a circular city to Herford County.
In this case, you can complain to the Minden-Herforder Verkehrsgesellschaft:
The bus driver will hardly be responsible for the failed connection!
Or do you think he didn’t want to go after his work today?
He seemed a little tricky. On his bus stood “DIENSTFAHRT”.
Here the story takes absurd moves.