Wo tankt ihr Super Plus?
Die Frage geht an alle die Super Plus (98 Oktan) tanken/getankt haben. Diese Variante wird bei meinem Auto empfohlen (Audi S3), jedoch frage ich mich ob es ein großen Unterschied zwischen JET, Avia, Esso, usw. gibt oder ob die da alle das selbe Super Plus mit 98 Oktan haben.
Wo habt ihr Super Plus immer getankt?
Bei Shell und Aral unterscheidet sich ja das Premium Benzin zwischen 100 und 102 Oktan.
Well, at an Audi S3, it really doesn’t have much PS the 4 cylinder 2.0 liter. That’s enough petrol E10.
With real cars from 400 ps you know a difference. Super Plus has 98 octan, V-Power 100 and Arial Ultimate 102. There are some clear differences in performance
yes stop me with the E10 you witty
I’m sorry he only has 310 ps
was not meant to be evil, I know about a KFZ master, which should only be refueled more than 98 octane when the car was swapped or has more PS as standard. Otherwise it is a waste of money, because the difference is not noticeable. Save the money E10 or E5 is sufficient.
Of course, it’s a great car. Have fun
ok thank you, my car is still cool am 21 can’t afford me a V8 😀
Normally the tan flap is at least. E5? Then tank E5, this is completely sufficient! Trust me, save your money.
yes, it has been perceived somewhat insultingly and yes, I know that the E5 would be sufficient theoretically, but it is recommended by the manufacturer 98er… E10 does not come in my car
Recommended is not a duty. I don’t refuel. To kick out the last PS, you could refuel it. But you don’t. Just money cutting.
You can refuel what you want, but SuperPlus doesn’t make any sense at the small engine. This is also just a normal golf engine and a golf gear. The engine is the same as in normal golf, in A3 in Seat/Cupra Leon or in Skoda Oktavia. SuperPlus is a waste of money.
I always tank aral, there’s always something with special formula:D. But actually it’s nice to me, anyway the car drives. Aral is more my top tank because there’s always something cool to eat. By the way, we have aral scene with car lovers 🙂
Where it is most convenient (Avia, Globus gas station, …).
Can your engine use that? Standard motors are usually designed only up to 98 octane. Everything about it is a waste of money.
And whether you have the difference from E10 to SuperPlus really you need to try.
I basically tank V-Power Racing at Shell.
that is great, is recommended with my car but not
Do you need more than 100 Octan?
thank you my best
In this case, the wallet (except, you have this smart deal just and drive accordingly kilometers a year).
That’s exactly how to refuel. The advantage of Shell is the smart deal.
okay and super plus at avia jet esso and so is not recommended?
More Octan never hurts. The worst thing that can happen is that your car cannot draw any further benefits against 98 Octan.
yes, I’ve seen it, but I didn’t know that I can easily refuel more octane 🙂
The advantage of Shell is that there is a smart deal with which you can recharge the V Power Racing at the price of the normal Super.
Thank you
Yeah, that’s just what you don’t want to drive under 98 octane, you can drive it all. More octane never hurts.
nope 98
mostly at free petrol stations. and the evening, there is the charite with the most favorable.
is just a smart 😊
the difference is only in the additives, the actual sprite comes from the same refinery
It doesn’t matter what brand you’re filling, gasoline is petrol.
If recommended or I want more performance is a difference. Just in order to get a more “performance” that usually doesn’t even exist, I wouldn’t refuel even more expensive.
I’m on e10 transitions and don’t notice any loss of performance (maybe because I’m not a fast driver)
At Aral, because she’s on my way.
I’ve been refueling Aral Ultimate 102 for almost 7 years.
may I ask which car?
For 5 months BMW 330i before BMW 320i
Because Ultimate has no organic additives.
My car
My money
My decision 😉
and why do you refuel this fuel?