Wo stellt man da Getränke etc. ab?

Ich fliege am 11. mit Eurowings. Ich habe den Platz bekommen. Wo soll man da überhaupt Tomatensaft etc abstellen können? Bin schon echt lange nicht mehr geflogen deswegen weiß ich es nicht mehr. Ich sitze da wo der Sitz gelb markiert ist. Bei den anderen sitzen sind ja Netze und so. Wo soll ich da was abstellen können ???

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2 years ago

If there is no front seat, the front seat has no folding table or it is too far away, your seat may have a folding table in the armrest, which you can pull up and fold.

2 years ago

as there is no more to drink, at least for free, and tomato juice no longer drinks, it doesn’t matter

2 years ago

On the folding table at the back of your front seat. I never flew, but you can find it in coaches or trains.

And in movies you can see that.

2 years ago

There’s such a flap at the seat in front of you that you can shut down and you can put things on it.

2 years ago
Reply to  robthom


2 years ago
Reply to  robthom

but not at the seat