Wo sollte man einen Hamster kaufen?
ich habe einen Hamster, sie kommt vom Züchter der aber leider nicht seriös war, was ich erst nach dem Kauf feststellte.
Könnt ihr einen Züchter empfehlen?
Wo habt ihr euren Hamster her?
(Ich wohne in Hessen)
Check out the website of the 1st German Hamster Association. These are all registered breeders who follow both the rules and statutes of the association and all the details of the TVT (Animal Association for Animal Welfare) and have artificial animals. The animals all get the kind of food and grow in good posture.
Thank you.
either from there a hamster or from the hamster help/care center
So I wouldn’t buy animals from a breeder or from animal handling
You can also buy hamster from nursing stations
Thank you.
Best of care centres or shelters. With breeders I still know too little and where to find good