Wo sollte man ein Auto am besten kaufen?


ich bin schon seit Längerem auf der Suche nach einem neuen Auto, ich habe mir damals mein Auto beim Händler gekauft, wovon ich aber nur teilweise überzeugt war, jetzt zur Frage, wo denkt ihr, ist es sinnvoller, für kleines Geld ein Auto zu kaufen, online oder beim Händler?

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3 years ago

Online at a dealer who has a KFZ workshop.

Smaller deficiencies are usually resolved quickly. Or you can still trade out a trailer coupling or tires as a discount.

In any case, have a used car check carried out at the test site. If the TÜV is available before purchase, you can save yourself, but is also not an all cure

3 years ago

Up to now all cars have been bought regionally, either privately by reputable older people or the old (contract) dealer. That was always okay and I had a contact person/stop – even if fortunately my cars never “what was”, it calms to know already, since and there I can go.

From the pure online purchase or other directions, I advise, especially in older cars I say below 5,000 euros – clearly, the temptation through colorful, appealing online ads is great and the Internet offers more offers than the earlier has been, where you simply went “timely fast” to the VW Mott around the corner or to Ford Kömpf or also to Peugeot Schreck (that were times, etc.) But it depends too much negative You can go there rather – and you usually save much less than thought to nix. In addition, description and actual condition do not always have to be “equal to coverage”.

I’d rather look on the spot what there are, many car houses are now also organising as desired vehicles – maybe not just some 1000 euros plan (which must be guaranteed), but otherwise you can try.

2 years ago

Autoscout 24, mobile.de or Ebay, dealers will always take you off

3 years ago

It is best to buy from individuals. Whether online or not, it doesn’t matter.

3 years ago

If new cars, then there are currently many good ways to save a lot of money online. I work with a partner, so you can save up to 43%. You buy the car right in the car house. In any case, I would have the best price online, no matter which provider. In the car house you don’t get so cheap prices, as the seller and the service pay. Compare

3 years ago

I would buy a bicycle, the environment for love!
