Where should I do an internship?
I'm in 8th grade and have to do internships in three different professions (one day each). I'm only 5'11" tall, and I feel small and stupid…
I'm in 8th grade and have to do internships in three different professions (one day each). I'm only 5'11" tall, and I feel small and stupid…
I'm 17 and I got a part-time job at Takko, a fairly small clothing store, and I've already completed the online interview. My question is, what exactly do I have to do? What are the tasks there, and how can I prepare? Are there any videos, etc.? Because I don't want to look stupid on…
Can you earn money at 14? If so, does anyone have any ideas about what you could do besides delivering newspapers or babysitting?
Which profession is better, SPA or MFA?Which one pays better? Advantages and disadvantages?
I have a certificate for school and it says from 12.09 to 13.09, which means that you can stay at home on 13.09.
I'm well educated, I have an IQ of over 130, and I speak four languages fluently! But I can't find a job. Of course, I wouldn't work for such a low-paying job. It should pay at least €3,000 gross. I've been unemployed for three years. How can that be? I'm 38.
You don’t care how big you are. It’s just that you’re gonna put a little into a job. No one expects a lot of you, it’s just a day when you just get a little insight.
Are there professions that interest you? If so, look where there’s something close.
Otherwise, I’d just ask what your parents, relatives or acquaintances work like this, or what companies are in your vicinity and think about what’s most interested in it. Just talk to your parents about it.
That depends entirely on your interests. You’d rather be inside or out? Better with people or without? And your size should not stop you from doing what is fun for you!
I prefer to go inside and alone 🙂
Kaufmann/frau, secretary, accountant, marketing/assistent- in the professions do you have less to do with people but perhaps also something like lawyer or media design?