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If you’re mistaken, yes, very many. Without a guarantee of completeness, I believe I have all relegated and corrected. Success in the application!
Thank you very much
Suspicious! A few things are overlooked, e.g.achgang, helps +Komma, the BerufskollegS, Ihren employees, and some are unclear. e.g. bring, learn. However, this is not complete, so my “e.g.
Thank you – for the compliment and the supplements!
The articles are not all common, that is correct; I first looked after grammatical errors and spelling inconsistencies.
The fact that there are still individual errors is simply the sheer mass of this one owed…
This would have to be completely rewritten and we would have to make improvements in the text.
But I find that it is yours and not our work to put the whole text down. If you do this and write me a mini comment, so I find it, I will correct it immediately
The first mistake is already in the address, the next one is on her car house [Where?]
Puh, the text contains some errors of expression and spelling, not to mention the set of characters.
Can’t you set the text so that you can easily correct it?
Can you please tell me the ones or not all a few
Talk: The r in brackets has to go.
targeted on … mMs contradictory
… I have consciously (big i !) Companies selected,
… from work (not Job!) as an automobile merchant …
: too familial!
… who successfully leads a paint and bodywork company.
I’m overandthereS thereS Internship …
That’s for the first time.
I believe that, at the top of Dear Ladies and Gentlemen, it would have to be removed in parentheses because it is in the plural .
LG 123455958
There are many spelling and grammar errors in it. It’s hard to count.