Wo sind Grizzlybären im Sommer in Vancouver/Vancouver Island?

wir haben für dieses Jahr Urlaub in Vancouver/Vancouver Island gebucht und möchten dort auch Bären sehen. Gerne möchte ich Grizzlybären sehen. Das Reisebüro sagt jedoch im Sommer gibt es dort nur Schwarzbären, die Grizzlybärensaison beginne erst im September.

Wo sind denn die Grizzlybären dann im Sommer?

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2 years ago

Now Vancouver Island is not a small island. In summer, the Grizzlys run in the vast landscape. There is no coincidence when you meet someone, but what he avoids when he hears people or smells. The guides don’t know where they’re going.

From August onwards, the salmon hike starts in the rivers and goes to December. All the bears come from everywhere to the rivers to catch salmon and to eat plenty of bacon before winter sleep. Then you know exactly where they stop and can lead tourists to these spots. This is quite reliable because the bears have their tributaries and always get there.

2 years ago
Reply to  allocigar78

Is their behaviour different?

Obviously. Why this is so, I don’t know exactly. But I think there’s a lot more about it, so the likelihood of seeing one is much bigger anyway.

2 years ago

In the zoo. Otherwise, those in densely populated areas cannot be found.

2 years ago
Reply to  allocigar78

Yes, there are black bears, but Grizzlies are rarely lost in Vancouver Island and usually live further north.

2 years ago

Grizzlies mostly live in Alaska. Next south becomes more and more rare. There are still some in one or other national parks, but it is not easy to see.

2 years ago

Where are Grizzlybären in the summer in Vancouver/Vancouver Island?

This is the best way to ask a guide on site that offers tours. He can also accompany you and show you the right behavior near the animals.

2 years ago
Reply to  allocigar78

Yeah, okay, I get it.

Can’t you contact a guide on site via the network and explain it in advance?

It’s probably more sensible because he knows.

2 years ago

The government tries to keep this secret, but Grizzly bears are taken to Moscow every summer, where you spy on the Russian government. In September you will return to have enough time before winter sleep to advise yourself.

2 years ago

They sleep a lot, only see in the dusk when it is cooler.

2 years ago
Reply to  allocigar78

In spring and autumn actively in winter sleep in summer chills.