Wo sieht man denn eingegeben steam code?
Hallo Leute mein account ist gestohlen und habe so viele Beweise von der Email name geschickt trotz allen sie wollen mir nicht glauben woher sehe ich denn konto registerten steam Geschenk karten Code wie wieder herstelle ich ihn wieder?
You don’t see redeemed coupon codes on the account except you still have the coupon card you redeemed.
Yes and what do I do then because my steam account is stolen and they don’t want to believe me and want me to send code because I have redeemed account
Did you only pay by voucher and not by other types of payment such as (bank receipt) or so? This is, of course, difficult because how do you want to prove a voucher code that you have redeemed 3 years ago.
Yes only paid by voucher and they don’t want to give me my account have sent so many evidence where my steam account was on my library despite all saying it’s just hell