Wo seid ihr am liebsten im Urlaub?
Wo seid ihr am liebsten im Urlaub?
Weil Norwegen ist ja nicht in der EU
In der Eurowings-App steht bei mir: DU hast noch keine Bordkarten Checke dich ein oder füge deine Reise zur App, um deine Bordkarte zu sehen. Ich habe aber beides schon gemacht. Was läuft schief bei mir? Was könnte ich machen?
Wenn ja, wie findet ihr sie?
Hi, ich habe vor längerer Zeit ein Video gesehen wo jemand sagte, dass man Privatflugzeuge billig kriegt indem man Flüge bucht die eh schon stattfinden bzw. wo ein Privat Jet verlagert werden muss und um Geld zu sparen, da dann auch Sitze billig verkauft werden. Stimmt das so? Und wenn Ja, wie findet man solche…
Ich verreise bald nach Italien für ca. 10 Tage Jedoch besitze ich die russische Staatsbürgerschaft, aber auch eine Aufenthaltsgenehmigung in Deutschland (Wohnsitz ist in Deutschland) Sprich mein Reisepass ist auf Russisch ausgesetzt, wohingegen mein Personalausweis auf Deutsch ausgesetzt ist. Meine Frage ist nun, ob ich ein Visum für die Einreise nach Italien benötige, da sich…
I only see myself in Spain. I always go on vacation alone, because I don’t get very clear with people and I’m very excited. And Spain is just perfect because in the background is party and I can read a book. The vibet and fun.
Since I’m on my way all year round as a truck driver, I’m staying at home on holiday. What does not mean that I do not leave the house. With the bike and two children there are still enough possibilities – incl. Bathing in the sea.
Philly and NYC are also a piece of home for me. Even though I wasn’t born in the USA, I have some relatives living in both cities.
Last year we were in Spain, next year we went to Dubai.
I really love being on holiday in Germany. North Sea, Baltic Sea, Bavarian Alps, Lake Constance, … no matter. It always means real recovery for me.
There are also places where I could always go, for example to St. Peter Ording on the North Sea, to the island of Rügen or Usedom to the Baltic Sea or to the Chiemsee to Bavaria.
And before this is misunderstood:
I also like to travel to countries or to places where I have never been. You’re welcome too far away. After Japan, for example, I had booked last, but unfortunately it was due to Corona. However, in these trips abroad, whether on a long journey or, for example, only one Canarian island, there has not been a country, or Place where I said, “oh, how beautiful, here I want to make another holiday.” Rather, “It was nice, but now I’ve seen it. Rich.”
Exception: In Switzerland, after Zermatt or after Wengen in the Bernese Oberland, I would like to return. In summer for hiking, not for skiing. I haven’t been there for a long time, and I want to go back.
I’m lucky my older sister has a house near Ses Salines (Ibiza). Take a holiday there regularly, otherwise I could not afford it financially. But once a year for 3 to 4 weeks is completely sufficient.
Everything has its price, my sister is very often alone because her husband is always on business. Germans are little there, so they are always happy to see me… and I am.
Image: View from their terasses to the salins.
Actually, everywhere where the sun, beach and sea AND for me PALMEN gives 🙂
Hello, I fly with my family almost every year on vacation, mostly any other countries… but I can tell you the countries that I liked best
Spain(Teneriffa) very beautiful beaches, many ways to do something
Turkey:beautiful sea, you have many opportunities to do something there, cities are very nice there, antique buildings and more I can recommend in any case
Bulgaria:poor country, but still has beautiful cities, beautiful nature and many possibilities to do something there, in the country are many ruined buildings and lots of garbage, you will often eat or cheat. But if you are careful it is a very beautiful country I can recommend
The Canary Islands. There is always something new to discover.
I live where other vacations do.
Nice there. I was last in September 2021 for 14 days.
In Greece I have never been there, but we may go to Greece so much.
in France 🇫🇷 where we also have a house
and you?
In Turkey:)
Cool 😎
I have spent more than 20 years, both in spring and autumn, spending my vacation in Turkey.
Super beautiful pictures. ❣️
Thanks. ♥♥♥♥
Again and again gladly.
where sun, warmth, beach and sea is. :
Madeira. <3 and Tenerife.
Everywhere there is a beach.
In the USA, but I can’t afford that.
That’s why you don’t really know the country and unfortunately have false ideas in many areas.
Mallorca or Laboe 😌
I’d rather go to the cold season. Mallorca in summer.
Isn’t “loved.” Here, next time.
Croatia, South Tyrol, Austria, Turkey.
In my garden.
German North Sea coast.
On the Mediterranean in southern France.
Gerne to China