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Was ist bei Netflix passiert?
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TV program (if there is actually a movie that is worth the reputation), Netflix, Mediatheken.
I use 3 platforms
Netflix general
YouTube to buy movies
Then an additional platform that does not fall under legal, but has good quality and a gigantic selection. The problem is that I look with my girlfriend who is currently in another country. On Netflix we often don’t have the same offer – apart from the fact that the limited offer (which is understandable but annoying) doesn’t help – and this is the best alternative for movies we are not sure of.
YouTube is then available for movies I already know and want to watch with her, but not on Netflix.
Just Netflix if we want to watch a movie
Netflix and Disney +.
Netflix and Amazon Prime. Oh, yeah, Disney too.
Netflix and Amazon Prime Video. The first is much more common.
Amazon Prime or my private film collection.
Netflix and yes I admit it to my shame, even on Amazon, because they hold so many of my body series and films caught, I can’t change. But I’m constantly thinking about whether I don’t quit Amazon because I’m kind of more often on Netflix. Am I too dependent on Amazon, do I need help?
The media counters of the ÖR, otherwise I look (very rare) what is missing on “Sendung”
PRIME OR DISNEY+, otherwise publicly legal.
Various media libraries, for Dokus also like YT. SWR, NDR, SDR…
In the TV, or if nothing is happening, amazon prime.
Only on TV, but good movies I only buy original for my collection on Blu Ray
Netflix, Prime and Disney plus
Netflix, Disney+ Amazon Prime…