Wo reiter- kniestrümpfe kaufen?
An die sparsamen Reiter, wo kauft ihr eure Kniestrümpfe ? Ich trag bis jetz tatsächlich hauptsächlich welche ausm krämer aber hab letztes Jahr im Aldi welche gekauft da waren 3 für den selben Preis wie bei krämer ein paar und qualitativ waren die sogar besser. Nur leider haben die die ja nicht immer im Angebot deshalb such ich Alternativen.
I generally do not wear knee stockings when riding. I’ve been given something because someone thought that was what every rider needs and they were in the offer. Now, have 10 couples here who don’t even want to have a gift, though unborn.
Do you think she’s a little ad or vinted?
So I don’t know if the following shops also sell horse stockings, but they definitely have strong discounts when it comes to cocks etc. I’ve already ordered it and everything was good and easy with me.
—> Kkressing
-> Horse riding Manski
I don’t wear knee socks. Also not for riding. But without this, you get cheap socjen and stockings everywhere – from Kick and Tacco to C&A to the larger supermarket.
It’s hardly cheaper than here.
Buy knuckles, they keep longer.
I wear very common knee socks
But where?
I buy the ones in the discounter if they are on offer at c&a, H&M, but I have already bought them at Tedi.