Wo nach dem Abi mit Freundinnen urlaub machen?
Nach dem Abi wollen wir bis im Oktober das Semester startet zusammen Urlaub machen in unserer Freundesgruppe. Wir sind da auch fast alle 18 und wollen mal weiter weg aber keiner hat bis jetzt eine gute Idee gehabt. Daher frage ich euch. Dachte eher an 2 Wochen Kanarische Inseln aber eine Freundin wollte Backpacking durch Südfrankreich machen oder ein Hauptstadthopping oder zum Matterhorn wandern. Wir kommen alle irgendwie nicht auf einen Nenner.
Ideen wie man das angehen kann?
you agree or not. How to do that? Of course, you can take 4 suggestions and vote… and if now two people have no bell at all for what most have voted, you can hardly force them.
You agree on the smallest common denominator and if anyone doesn’t want it, he/she has had bad luck.
If the question is how big the group of friends is… in 4 people will find a more acceptable compromise than for 12 people.
LG, Chris
Going to the USA
You can travel various parts from the USA. There’s something for everyone.
If you are on amusement parks and entertainment, these goals will please you:
If you are more interested in nature, you can visit these places:
There are also many cities you can see:
So you see that the USA is diverse and something is there for every taste.
Surely not all have the same budget available.
Dreams are sometimes foams.
Have you got the travel cancellation insurance when booking. The holiday is so far
If you are not all year round, goals like the USA could become difficult.
What budget is available to you? It is not necessarily said that each of you has a thousand euros for the trip. This should be taken into account when planning
A good tip from me: Ringprinz647 is Gran Canaria Maspalomas in May 2025 of the CSD. You can google it and write to me if it’s something for you. I’m here too.