Wo muss ich einsteigen?
Wo muss ich einsteigen,
Ich muss am Freitag in eine andere Stadt fahren und der Zug hält am Gleis 2, aber ich finde dann nur den Gleis zwei und dann ist der mit Buchstaben eingeteilt, bspw. A, B,C,D
Jetzt weiss ich nicht, wo ich mich hinstellen soll.
First, it doesn’t matter, go to track 2 – and there the train stops in the areas where the big letters A to D hang. At the same time, the indicator at the station will indicate which letter which car (something) holds, which helps if you should have a reservation, but is always worth looking, because you also know where the car is 1st and 2nd class.
There are some stations with “double occupancy”, i.e. from A to D your train and from E to G travels another train, so check ahead and not just board.
You’re on track 2 and get in.
If there’s a train, there should be a car stand indicator. If the train stops only in certain sections of the track, it is there. And always pay attention to the ads and announcements on the platform.
The layout of the track in sections is only important if the train does not have the entire length of the platform or if you have a reserved space. Then you can put yourself in the section where the car holds the res. place.
Could be hard to go wrong if the track is doubled…
Double occupancy only goes with coverage signal, which is far from all stations. In fact, the coverage signal outside the large stations should even be the exception
But we do not know the railway station of the FS – and rather prevent it from entering the wrong train…
On the letter specified in the app
There is no letter. It is only track 2 there and I was at the station today and found only track 2 ordered with letters.
Then only one stops on the track anyway
At the platform is a plan under which letters your compartment holds