Wo liegt der Unterschied zwischen Chromosomen und Chromosomensatz?
Wo liegt der Unterschied zwischen Chromosomen und Chromosomensatz?
Ist beides nicht das selbe?
Hey Ich bin auf der Suche nach einer guten Beef Tallow Creme die 100% Natur ist und die Kühe auch 100% mit Gras gefüttert worden sind. Kann man dies in irgend einem Bio Laden oder so kaufen oder kennt jemand eine gute Online Website? Mfg
Hab am 01.12.2022 62kg gewogen Am 26.12.2022 60kg Am 01.01.2023 58,1kg Am 08.01.2023 57,7kg Ich selber merke das ich abgenommen habe (Hose sitzt lockerer, Bauchumfang is weniger geworden In der Svhule hat mich allerdings jemand gefragt ob ich zugenommen habe Jetzt bin ich komplett unmotiviert und traurig Ab wie viel kg sieht man einen Unterschied?
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Ich hänge gerade bei meiner Aufgabe fest und komme nicht weiter. Die Aufgabe lautet: Erklären sie den Versuchsaufbau und erläutern Sie anhand der Messergebnisse, wieso man zwei Typen von elektrischen Synapsen unterscheidet. Danke für die Hilfe
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“chromosomes” is the majority of the word “chromosome” and thus describes two or more chromosomes.
“Chromosome set” refers to a set of chromosomes. In humans, a chromosome set would be 46 chromosomes. With chimpanzees 48… always dress up like that!
So chromosome set is just all chromosomes and what is chromosome pair?
All chromosomes of a healthy cell, yes!
A chromosome pair are always two identically shaped chromosomes. ZB Both chromosomes number 4 of man.
have not all cells 46 chromosomes?
No, only those of people. Maybe some other species… Chimpanzees have 48, trees have partly over 70…
Of course. And bacteria cells have no real chromosome, but only one ring DNA. There are always perceptions! They then have only half a chromosome set which consists of 23 half chromosomes.
But not all human cells! Gender cells are haploid!
No, because you can’t compare an object with a factor.
A chromosome is condensed DNA, depending on the type, present in various numbers. Distributable to gonosomes and autosomes.
The chromosome set has to do with the number. For example, a diploid cell with a chromosome set of 2 n is described. A human cell has a chromosome set of 2n=46 (normally). A haploid cell in humans (bad cells) have a chromosome set of n=23. Because what does 2n mean? There are always two chromosomes that contain the genetic information of the same genes, only the exact information may differ, since it is the genetic information of mother and father.
So you cannot compare or equal the two terms.
has a human jtz always diploid and haploide chromosomen?
The whole chromosome set is haploid or diploid, not individual chromosomes. As I wrote in 2000, diploid means that the chromosomes can be classified into pairs of two chromosomes with the same genes. In the case of a haploid chromosome set, there is only one copy of each chromosome, so one cannot form pairs.
A person usually has cells with a haploid chromosome set (the sex or germ cells, i.e. egg and seed cells) as well as cells with a diploid chromosome set (the body cells).
It is as similar to a wrench and a set of wrenches – A complete set of wrenches give a set of wrenches – just as a complete set of chromosomes result in a chromosome set.