Wo lest ihr Fanfictions?

Auf welcher App seid ihr zum Lesen von Geschichten aktiv?

(Gewandt an die aktiven Leser)

Ich habe gemerkt, dass Wattpad halt immer mehr auszusterben scheint, aber es kann auch einfach meine eigene Wahrnehmung sein. Vielleicht nehme ich das ja auch ganz falsch wahr. Ich habe gestern schon gefragt welche App da effektiv ist, aber ich versuche jetzt erstmal in Form einer Umfrage zu sehen, welche App euch da am besten gefällt.

Danke im vorraus <3

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1 year ago

For German stories mostly Wattpad. I only make exceptions when an author has started a story on Watty to make advertising for another platform.
Watty is just the most beautiful of everything. The algorithm is quite well trained to show me many good stories on the homepage. And I like the reading lists, then you can find several good works at once. The covers make everything even more appealing.

Watty dies only when the community allows it. I have the feeling that people like to publish stories, but then they are too fine to read themselves.

For English stories or if I look for an extraordinary shipping I use Ao3.

1 year ago

I didn’t, my sister used to be at Wattpad and now uses “archive of our own”.

1 year ago

Mostly Wattpad. But FanFiktion.de I also use, much less than Wattpad

7 months ago

Write yourself