Wo lernt man tauchen?

Wollte mal fragen, wo man in Deutschland indoor gut tauchen lernen kann?

Indoor ist nämlich zunächst sicher für einen Anfänger. Aber finde nirgendwo in meiner Nähe (obwohl extrem zentral und großstad) ein Becken mit so 20-40m Tiefe und künstlichen Hindernissen/Räumlichkeiten.

Ich kenne nur das dive4life, aber das wäre echt weit weg. Gibt es sowas nicht öfters in Deutschland?

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1 year ago

I don’t know an association that allows pure indoor training. There are preparation courses that take place indoors. I think they’re pretty worthless. You don’t even learn to drive by bike on a backyard. You can also drown in the indoor pool. Only do not learn diving. The danger is the same only one learns less. In the end, the skill and quality of the trainer is above all important.

Incidentally, my first diving certificate did not teach me to dive, but survive under water. You learn diving through diving. At the second, one learns to save under water and at the third group lead under water. There must always be dives.

1 year ago
Reply to  MenschDNA

My recommendation would be to look for a good diving school or club and to do all this in a group. One also supports one another there and it helps sometimes if one sees the other also have their difficulties. If money plays a role: As a rule, club training is significantly cheaper. Qulity depends mainly on the instructor. Little from the bandage.

1 year ago

in many/almost all diving schools is trained in the open water from the beginning – at the beginning no 20-40m deep. Diving towers are imo a nice gag, no more – a good diving instructor has a safe grip on you in the open water at any time or does not let you come to a situation where it would be necessary!

1 year ago
Reply to  MenschDNA


that always depends on where you do this, clearly the professional diving instructor is more expensive than the association.

But in most clubs, this doesn’t cost the world especially for those who train over the VDST (I Weis you can think about what you want) but even with the most expensive and independent diving instructor I know you pay for a VIP CMAS** training just under 800 euros. But please remember that you don’t have equipment or anything. These are only the estimated costs for VIP training

1 year ago
Reply to  MenschDNA

I have no idea about the current prices. but the basics for safe = good diving you learn to the two-star (advanced open water), these are two courses that you can easily complete in 14 days each. In between you need dives for practice, and after that, practice is the most important. So not only 1x a year on holiday a few TG, but constantly: only so do you master the handling and the equipment blind, and this is the basic requirement for competent diving.

1 year ago

We made a very well managed Padi OWD appearance on holiday in a week. In the second week the AOWD. Diving depths 5-30 m

I would always try to make the appearance in the open water. I experienced that freshly brevetted indoor pool dimmers in outdoor water have got the horror.

Lars Wilkening
1 year ago

Indoor is certainly safer, but 40 meters not for beginners. There, you’d be offered a snout diving at most as a beginner until maybe under 10 meters. everything else would be negligent.

Lars Wilkening
1 year ago
Reply to  MenschDNA

If you decide to make a appearance then the first dives and exercises will always be performed in the pool in the Hühthohem water. The last one in the sea or lake. By the way, the Dive for Live is almost always fully booked

1 year ago
Reply to  MenschDNA

no, because this is so far away from diving reality that it has nothing to do with diving anymore

1 year ago

Well, the only thing that has to do with diving is you get wet and you breathe compressed air. learning to dive in a diving tower is as if you put yourself in a driving school on a Bobbycar udn says you learn to drive.

1 year ago


best if you just go diving courses or diving school and write your zip code next to it, then a lot comes together.

Even in the indoor swimming pool you can learn diving



1 year ago