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IbisPaintx erstellt stendig vektorebene?
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exactly those in the load?
in japan maybe.
in Germany the tubes and bottles must be leakproof. the black and the neonpink on the photo have expired.
they are quite normal acrylic-bastel colors.
in the art you get in such soft bottles in every well-sorted art and craft shop.
only neon blue is not available at the moment. but this does not exist on the photo.
Search for Graffiti Marker (artist accessories/colors etc.)
On Amazon
I mean not online but in the shop somewhere
You won’t get it! Also your question was” Where do you get those pens? Also, I don’t see any sense buying this online … the meaning please?!!
You don’t seem too close! And I’m still waiting for my question you don’t answer?
But you roar rum you can see clearly on your text you idi
I don’t yell, I just thought he had one Hyperopia^^
No reason to roar like that.
But there’s someone Faul to use the pictures of Google backward search ….
Not in online shop
Not in the online shop somewhere in the shop
Then write this into question!