Wo Kredit ziehen?
Hallo community ,
ich möchte einen kredit mit meiner Niederlassungserlaubnis einen kredit für mindestens 10.000€ veranlassen.
Ich habe keine Schufa Einträge und meine bonität müsste gut sein .
ich bin zurzeit als Teilzeit arbeiter eingestellt und habe einen unbefristeten Arbeitstag, 1400 euro kriege ich Durchschnitt.
Ich möchte es so gut wie es geht und schnell .
habt ihr gewisse vorerfahrungen ?
With more income, construction financing with a branch permit is generally also possible.
For rat loans such as EUR 10,000 in your example, go to your home bank where your pay flow can be checked.
We are happy to help with building financing with a branch permit.
Except that it already fails at the budgeting, it will be nothing, as you only €70 above the Pfändungfrei Limit
The banks are currently expecting a demand of 1500 euros for an individual. You deserve 1400. Say, you’ll say you can’t pay any rates. It won’t work without security.
Where your bank is because she sees what’s going or not?!
This is about trust doesn’t know if you get a credit if you only have a part-time job.
So at the post office itself ws was somehow nich possible
If you have already asked, this is not so good at the Schufa, please, your bank post bank is the last.
Basically, this is possible but with a part-time job you usually don’t get a credit or you have other things to do.
Yes I am now at the postbank and also since the latest at the sparkasse, would it be possible to ask at the sparkasse and get a credit with account statements from postbank?
Your chances will be rather bad. You deserve too little.