Wo könnte man in Deutschland hinfahren?
hab kein bock mehr zu hause zu verrotten
kennt ihr geile orte in deutschland?
am besten wo wenig oder gar keine leute sind
nur in nrw,rheinland-pfalz ,saarland,hessen,baden-württemberg oder bayern da es sonst zu weit wäre
There are many places in Germany worth a trip or excursion. But the question is what interests you? The one stands on culture (muses, castles etc.) others go on action and exchange (experience parks) others go on shopping and evenings, etc. and again others look for rest and relaxation (rolling and hiking). Often, however, some beautiful recreational places are not far from their own doorstep. Or just go out and swing on the bike.
I would recommend the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. There are three federal states: Baden-Württemberg, Hesse and Rhineland-Palatinate. This is the smallest metropolitan region in Germany, but one of the most attractive. Here is a map:
I can recommend the wild and hiking park Silz. Also easily accessible without car. From the train station Annweiler am Trifels, an excursion bus line tuned to the train times goes there. She’s on Sundays and holidays. As soon as you arrive by train in Annweiler, the bus waits for the passengers who want to go there. This is located in the district of Südliche Weinstraße.
Or the Rietburgbahn in Edenkoben. This is a chair lift from Villa Ludwigshöhe to Rietburg. There’s also a wildlife park. The ticket of the Rietburgbahn is also a ticket for the Wildpark. From the Edenkoben railway station, a bus line to Villa Ludwigshöhe runs on Sundays and holidays. It is adapted to the access times. There is also the valley station of the Rietburgbahn. Also in the district of Südliche Weinstraße.
Or to the Zellertal in Rhineland-Palatinate. This is already outside the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. It starts in Monsheim. This is west behind the city border of Worms. 2 wine-growing areas meet: Palatinate and Rheinhessen.
Here are some information:
These are rural regions. There are also many cycling and hiking trails.
fulda !
in the most beautiful is the castle garden but believe the main part is still being rebuilt at the time why always??
Wherever it is horny, people are
But Kehlheim can see a lot, Schulerloch, Liberation Hall, Kloster Weltenburg.
But you could walk hours through the woods
I only find forest and more rural areas.
Visit Weinbergspark in Berlin
Is nen cool adventure
unfortunately too far
Youth hostels in the middle mountains
How about nem roadtrip? There are various routes like the romantic street, Burgenstraße, Glasstraße etc. Perform through several beautiful small cities…
Freiburg im Breisgau
Passau, Regensburg?
Freiburg, Munich?
These are beautiful cities
Ape and bird park
so to Regensburg in the city