Wo kommt die Energie eines Speicherkraftwerkes her?
Wo kommt die Energie eines Speicherkraftwerkes her? finde irgendwie nichts im internet dazu.. muss eine präsentation dazu machen und mein lehrer meinte es hat etwas mit der sonne zu tun, kann mir jemand mehr dazu erklären?
Yes, the energy actually comes from the sun.
The sun sends light and heat to the earth. This evaporates water from the seas. The damp air is transported to our mountains with winds. Clouds are formed and moisture is raining. The water collects in reservoirs. The positional energy of this water is converted by the gradient to the power plant into motion energy and into generators into electrical energy. The water goes back to the sea via the rivers, the cycle is over.
Thanks for the star!
Good answer, but point three does not describe “normal” storage power plants, but so-called. Pump storage power plants to store superfluous energy (e.g. solar power in summer).
But just: the first point is only the “normal” storage hydropower plant; where this energy comes from is clear (lower beats, so sun).
In others it may be different, with only a few being significant:
https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/storage power plant
And the most important thing for the energy industry is the pumped storage power plant, which can store other energies (with loss).
The question is initially somewhat discarded and indicates two completely different questions:
1- What is Storage power plant?
Storage power plants serve the temporary Energy storage in the public power supply network if the supply of energy to the public network exceeds the current demand. This is done mainly by thawing water (→dams). See Wiki to →“Save power plant”.
2- How to Solar energy made?
Solar energy is made directly usable for power supply by →Photovoltaic and →Solar power plants. The indirect use of solar energy takes place, inter alia, in →Wärmekraftwerke by use →fossil fuelsin part also by → Hydropower plants.
A connection of the two questions can be established, for example:
With persistent much Sunshine the energy fed into the public power supply network can exceed the current demand. This temporary energy surplus is interposed by storage power plants for later use, if, for example, the energy requirement increases again with little sunshine.
There are very different forms of storage power plants. It is common to them that they store larger quantities of energy, if necessary in the form of electrical energy.
Most types use the energy electronically from the network.