Wo kauft ihr euer Brot?
Ich finde diese Frage sehr wichtig, ich esse sehr viel Brot und es muss sehr gut sein.
Ich finde diese Frage sehr wichtig, ich esse sehr viel Brot und es muss sehr gut sein.
Und süßungsmittel . Ich hab von denen 5 mini Spieße gegessen und war überrascht das das zucker und süßungsstoffe hat ist das jetzt schlimm. Ich war halt diese Woche schon bowl essen und hab indisch gegessen
Machte mir Fertigmudeln. Das Würzpulver stinkt sehr nach Chemie? Essen oder lieber nicht?
Baut man Muskeln auf wenn man auf alles Roh Honig macht und sich keinen mehr jaxxt?
Hi Leute, ich bin (19) in der Massephase, muss zunehmen und Muskelaufbauen. Wisst ihr einen guten Frühstück mit hohem Kcal Bedarf und wo gut Proteine stecken? Ich danke schonmal im Voraus für eure Antworten! Mfg. Eddy
At the baker who still understands his craft, pays attention to quality and not to mass and cheap \./
Nowhere I’m just making it myself. But our bread is fresh two to three times a week because the breads from the discounter/supermarket do not really taste and that is simply unpaid by the baker. Don’t pay for 500g of bread, which holds a day 5€.
I prefer to put it back several times a week and bake it for us fresh. The time I take
We buy our bread and rolls fresh at the Tresen near Alnatura.
Common grain bread is glucose bomb and thicker. So you can only guess everyone. I have some protein bread.
Aldi, only nature brand. Sourdough bread. Like what “normal” of bakers, but really rare
when I was able to eat it, at Braker Mühle, Gaues and bread siblings (Hamburg). I miss this pleasure…
My master baker.
Mostly with the baker, unless I buy sandwich bread.
With us in the village there is a mill that has been in family ownership since 1713 – currently in the 9th generation – and traditionally in the fired wood stove produce its natural sour vinegar bread. Of course, have stone oven bread … < very tasty! :)
Either I bake it myself or buy it with my favorite baker.
Then try to bake yourself.
As good as the hofpfisterei does it probably not
Exercise makes the Master.
We have a few bakers around here. Here we buy the bread
✨ Sometimesscary
We’ll get it at the Biohof.
At the bakery
I bake it myself
This is of course very strong
Years of routine and consequence of this if no more failed bakers can be found in the surroundings.