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with a coffee to go from a machine
At temperatures nowhere.
Why 10 degrees is too cold?
It’s unpleasant at best.
Don’t worry.
That’s the way
The experience teaches me something else.
Who 10 grad is called unpleasant the cold fast
Who says I eat fast?
It is probably due to their metabolism that they quickly freeze. When you move more, it is no longer cold
Because of me.
10 degrees are not now -7 so I ask them:) have a thin jacket with it and don’t ask for a skin
Probably hardly – derleisch usually comes from Kiddies who think it is cool to defy the weather.
10 degree is very warm
On the balcony or terrace.
If you prefer warmth and you are a soft disease, then more in Spain, Australia, Turkey, Italy, Portugal, etc.
At the baker or at the hotel
In the park at the picnic area.
On the balcony
Hi, Fraggute.
If it’s not too cold, you can take a coffee with you outside wherever you can buy coffee suitable for taking away.
Let your coffee taste outdoors. I’d be happy. 👍😆
Greetings, Renate.
Balcony or terrace.
On the terrace 🙂