Wo kann man überall Currywurst essen?
Sehr geehrte Leser,
Ich wohne in der nähe des Berliner Fernsehturms und bei mir hat sich letztens die Frage gestellt wo man denn in der nähe Currywurst essen kann.
Jetzt frag ich mich, weil ich noch nicht so lang hier lebe und generell mit Currywürstchen keine Erfahrung hab wo man diese denn Kaufen kann. Ich könnt mir nämlich nicht vorstellen das der Dönermann Currywurst verkauft. Ich denke mal Imbiss wär ne richtige Antwort, aber ich weiß es ja nicht 🙂 das frage ich euch ja.
I’d just go to a nice etablissement and look at the menu, then it’s up. You just have to look out for the word Currywurst. There is also the price. Attention! Before buying, make sure you have enough money to avoid unpleasant situations
There are three cult curry buds in Berlin, which have already been made known by the German media and are also regularly processed by the normal Berlin tourists.
Their cult status has built up the three long years and decades about their distinct distinguishability and their actually manageable offer… but by now most has been lost.
” Krasselts ” is now part of the ” Maximilian ” Group and in addition to the original Krasselts sausage with the special sauce there is also a few other variant, i.e. the unique feature is actually gone.
With “Curry 36 ” and ” Konnopke ” one has also adapted to the tourist mainstream and offers various variants, even there is only the name left from the former cult status.
Their original sausages, however, still have all three, but you have to pluck them out under various variants.
Ok so there are 3 different main corporations that make it their own way.
Thank you.