Wo kann man Tastaturen bestellen die nur mit kyrillischen Buchstaben beschrftet sind!? Also komplett ohne lateinische Buchstaben!?

weil bei Amazon habe ich nur welche gefunden wo beide Varianten gleichzeitig drauf sind.

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5 months ago

There isn’t.

5 months ago

Is only believe the double ones – also have one such: Simply cyrillic stick over it…

5 months ago

With Cherry Mx (compatible) switches, there would probably be at least one key cap set for it, at least for ANSI (American layout).

But I’m not sure, there’s something like that with other characters like Hiragana, Katakana, also think Hangul, even some runes I have seen, so why not also Cyrillic.

5 months ago

This is like the Greek and Japanese keyboards. Since you often need English, especially in a console or when installing an operating system, you cannot do without English inputs when using the PC. Therefore, both layouts are on it.

A pure Cyrillic keyboard is then a special case that is not common. Surely there are particularly expensive keyboards where you can choose this as a customer and order it appropriately.

You may also be able to use a keyboard with replaceable caps and get a matching “only Cyrillic” set. In common keyboards, there are also keyboard caps for downloading which you can then print yourself 3D. If you don’t have a 3D printer, you can print it out and send it over the internet at a reasonable price.

5 months ago
