Wo kann man One Piece auf DVD oder BR kaufen?


bin Fan von One Piece seit ich klein war. Ich will wissen ob und wo man sich alle Folgen von One Piece (dem Anime) auf Disc kaufen kann. Bitte mit deutscher Synchro. Ich denke mal es gibt nicht alles bis zu WaNo. So weit es die eben gibt in einer oder mehreren Boxen.

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ChrisCat1, UserMod Light

You can buy the boxes on the one hand from the publisher itself in the online shop.

Otherwise you will also get them in shops and shipping retailers who sell DVDs and Blu-rays, such as Amazon, Saturn, Media Markt, Thalia, etc.

I don’t think there’s anything up to WaNo. As far as they are in one or more boxes.

Currently there are 34 boxes that contain the anime up to episode 1000 (so already in the Wa no Kuni Arc)
Box 35 is expected to appear in February 2024.

Since Box 26, the boxes also appear as a Blu-ray version. The older boxes are also gradually released as a Blu-ray version.

1 year ago

I ordered them all at Amazon, can buy up to episode 1000 👍

1 year ago


I don’t know why Anisearch One Piece split into different seasons because it’s Arcs… But if you look there, you can filter on the individual “stacks” in the filter by discs… I’m not doing this for you now…