Wo kann man in Hamburg Rollstühle mieten?
Hallo, ich bin mit meinen Eltern über Ostern in Hamburg. Leider hat meine Mama beim Gehen starke Rückenschmerzen wegen ihrem Übergewicht bekommen. Deshalb suchen wir jetzt nach einem Rollstuhl Verleih oder einer Vermietung, damit sie sitzen kann und keine lange Strecke laufen muss.
Gibt es da einen Verleih in Hamburg, der Rollstühle mit etwas höherer Belastungs Grenze anbietet? Sollte eben mehr als 120 Kilo halten können.
Danke schonmal ihr lieben 😚
You can rent wheelchairs in most sanity houses. Just find one nearby and ask. I guess that should cost 10-15 euros a day, plus bail.
I think it would be safer to borrow an electric pusher car in the second building market. But your mother might have a negative impact.
Here in Hamburg, Stolle and Schattschneider are the best contacts.
Supi, thank you
Have added the websites.
The overweight does not go away from the wheelchair. Better would be running, then also the back pain goes away
Make every good sanity house. (Gelbe pages).
Oki, well, we had just called one, and the limit would be 100 to 120 kilos. That doesn’t really bring something for my mom 😅🥺
Then call another person or see if the manufacturer has a distribution or else can be helpful. Why don’t you take yours to HH?
What are you doing? Actually, I wanted to be helpful. Naughty!
If we have ni before now, it is only at the end of 40 and can also run. It’s actually more because of her back that burdens her. Doesn’t want to make her a care case anyway
Then buy such a part, there is also needed with warranty.
Let’s do
Well, she doesn’t have one, she doesn’t have to go so much at home. But in such a city it will probably be quite a lot and of course this is not without. The best thing would be an electronic in which you can drive yourself
Sanity houses also lend wheelchairs. You probably should have taken care of FRÜHER. They’re not on Halde either.
Okay, thanks. We’re just talking about 🥹