Wo kann man eine Freundin bzw. eine Partnerin zum reisen finden?

Hey. Ich habe keine Wirklichen Freunde und auch keine Kollegin oder sonst was, die Lust und etwas Geld hätte zum reisen und mutig ist. Da ich mich nicht alleine traue, um die Welt zu reisen als Frau, Anfang 20, frage ich mich, wie Leute, die auf Reise gehen wollen und im Ausland arbeiten wollen nebenher , halt work and Travel in der Art, Freunde/ eine Freundin finden ? Würde halt gerne eine weibliche Begleitung dabei haben, abet mache mir sorgen, dass ich unterwegs niemanden finde, weil ich weniger feiern/saufen will, sondern mehr Action bzw. was tolles erleben wie Surfen, wandern, einfach am Strand chillen, grillen, Zelten etc… ?
Falls ihr sowas mal gemacht habt, und in derselben einsamen Lage wart, wie habt ihr es gemacht ?

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10 months ago

If you want to do work&travel, you should find enough like-minded female fellows.

In other words, the social networks that you can try, as DerHans already noted.

Where do you even want to do work&travel? Have you decided? That would be the first step.

And don’t worry so much, it won’t help you. Stay loose and calm and be curious about what’s coming.

10 months ago
Reply to  MsSteinkamp

In Bali you can do volunteer projects at most. The U.S. does not offer any real work&travel and I cannot imagine that you want to work in a camp on supervisor. So it only remains Australia or New Zealand if it should be warm. For example, in this link you can read the criteria for a w&t in Australia or New Zealand.

Security is available in “Hotel Mama”, but nowhere else, not in Germany. You have to get out of your comfort zone and put yourself in real life. Much success in growing up.

10 months ago

There are forums for this. You enter your desired destination and look for a partner(s).

Of course, it should be clear from the front that there are separate cash registers. Otherwise, only people who want to make cheap vacations come in.

10 months ago

if you are female, answer to men’s contact ads to search for the tour guide. You don’t get much mail.

10 months ago
Reply to  Rotfuchs716

. That’s not a good idea. That could be wrong.

10 months ago
Reply to  Lachlan

The risk must then be dealt with. A friend of mine accompanies strange men all year round and rarely makes bad experiences.

10 months ago
Reply to  MsSteinkamp

is the same problem. I spontaneously had a female travel guide without prior knowledge and would not regret it in retrospect, although some were not suitable. Other people like foreign countries are a discovery tour.