Wo kann man den 0€ Schein kaufen?
Ich habe gesehen, dass es einen 0€ Schein gibt. Ich bin sehr interessiert an selten Geldscheinen / Münzen. Weiß jemand wo man den vor Ort kaufen kann (nicht im Internet) ? Muss man da extra in eine Großstadt wie Köln, Hamburg oder Berlin um einen zu kaufen?
Viele Grüße 🙂
There is not only a 0-Euro bill, but now hundreds (if not even thousands) of different, usually sold by souvenir shops to sights, excursion destinations etc.
For example, in Kassel you can buy a 0-Euro bill at the Herkules visitor centre
I bought one in Schengen at the European Museum (museum entrance is free)
Is there any different places. Probably best where much tourism is. I’ve often seen machines that had them.
Commission Regulation (EC) No 1701/2006 of 18 December 2006 laying down detailed rules for the application of Council Regulation (EC) No 1780/2007 on the common organisation of the market in fruit and vegetables
I’ve already mentioned that I don’t want to buy it online. Please read the text first.
There are also certain addresses, please read through.
seems rather no but coins than 5 cent pieces are not even worth € 0.05€