Wo kann man am Flughafen Pfand abgeben?
Im Flughafen Köln/Bonn kann man auch nach der Sicherheitskontrolle ausschließlich Pfandflaschen kaufen. Keiner der Läden nimmt Pfandflaschen zurück und auch jeder Angestellte den in ich gefragt habe konnte mir keine Antwort geben. Es gibt lediglich einige Spendenboxen. Wenn schon Pfandflaschen gekauft werden MUSS es nicht auch eine Möglichkeit geben das Geld zu bekommen? Oder wird erwartet das Pfand ins Ausland mitzunehmen und zurückzuschleppen?
You’re right about giving back. You should be able to return it if it is already offered and you have no other options. That’s the point of the pawn. The REWE takes the bottles off that is before the security check. Ask best of all Peter Wolf from Cologne/Bonn Airport.
PFAND drop off wherever you can buy food-based drinks, as you can PFAND yes at the purchase price must be added.
The resulting LEER UT you can leave anywhere where appropriate containers are sold. At least as far as possible, since this is so prescribed in the Packaging Act. ignorance does not relieve the seller of this duty.
In the airport, the Kisok does not accept a deposit and the machines do not. Most buy from the machine as it costs only 3 stat 4.50€
Yes, he must. If he sells pawny drinks, he’ll have to cash the deposit.
I used to be there. The Rewe is. If there is.
There is, but it is before the Socherheit check
Go back there, I always do. I finally paid the deposit, so I want it back.
As I said, the Rewe is before security control. The water is then also bought because the safety control is not allowed to bring drinks.
When you’re drunk, you emptied your drinking bottle, drained it, security check. Then you fill them out of the water tap. I’m an extreme frequent flyer. I never buy water at the airport. Greetings from Oslo.