Wo kann ich schnell als 14 jährige Arbeit finden die nicht so schwer ist (brauche das geld dringend)?
Hey, ich wollte am 26.12 zu meinem Freund fahren und meine Mutter meinte wenn ich keinen 3 Stelligen Kontostand hab dürfte ich da nicht hin habt ihr Ideen und Tipps was ich machen könnte (wohne auf dem dorf)
Danke schon mal im Voraus
No chance. Stay with Mom at home.
Give help, ask if you can make the household for neighbors against money, etc.
Work in a cafe or at a cashier
Lg notnoetig ⭐
No one introduces you for only 2 weeks – the salary comes only at the end of the month = too late
Then you work longer than just 2 weeks
We don’t have anything like this
Sale Candy at school
Or give help or ask if you can suck the house for 5€ or so
As Grandpa, I’ll tell you, Grandpa is always sneaking.
Opas are quasi ATMs 🤣
I gave the little one 250 euros today because she wants to leave, like the questioner.
great, I could’ve used Opa before. 😉
loan money from…
I don’t know who I could borrow that from
Or your father:)
But your friends have some money.
Then carry newspaper out
My father wouldn’t lend it to me either
They all don’t work
Maybe your friend can lend you something.