Wo kann ich Reime lernen?

Ich möchte das Reimen besser verstehen.

Im Internet finde ich nirgendwo eine gründliche Erklärung was Reime eigendlich sind. Ich verstehe zwar das Wörter ähnlich klingen sollen – Haus auf Maus – aber ich kann es gar nicht nachvollziehen wie sich z.B. hören auf Jürgen, Bourbon oder Version reimen soll?

Was muss gegeben sein um zu sagen : ja es ist ein reim, reicht eine Silbe oder wo ist die Schwelle zwischen einem Reim und keinem Reim? 😪

Wo muss ich ansetzen um das volle Spektrum der Reime zu verstehen? Wenn ich Videos oder Artikel zu dem Thema anschaue sind die meisten nach dem Motto gestaltet : ja der Reim ist halt unsauber oder das ist ein mehrsilbigerreim aber nirgends wird grundlägend aufgeklärt was ein Reim überhaupt ist …

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9 months ago

Not only do the end sills have to be similar, but also the length of the lines and the concretes must yield the same rhythm. Of course, this applies more strictly to song texts, but poems should not be included in a line 7 syllables, in the next 4.

Many rap lyrics are, of course, exactly the opposite, according to the motto “I’m stupid and proud of it, and show it completely open by not even being able to reime”.

There are also other mimes than the classic identical end sills, for example, rod mime, but I forgot what that is. There is also verses where intentionally syllables are interchanged, which is of course more comic. A not quite perfect example from the early verses of the Gerda Schwoche would be “If you are here on the Havel tobst you don’t get a table fruit.”

There are apparently reimword books and of course search engines. There are also theories, synonym dictionary, where you can find words with (almost) the same meaning that you can easily find a rhyme.

Ultimately, you want to express or say something. Even if you find words or rhymes, they will rarely really fit because they are stupid suggestions from outside. Your imagination, let go of it, and your creativity, and your final judgment, whether that’s good, produces something sensible.

2 months ago
Reply to  ThomasJNewton

Many rap lyrics are, of course, exactly the opposite, according to the motto “I’m stupid and proud of it, and show this quite openly by not even being able to mime. ‘

This is disrespectful to the artists and shows that you apparently do not even deal with music.

True art requires that one understands and appreciates the different forms of expression of a genre such as rap. Respect for music and artists is crucial. “Don’t worry, the mimes are a plaque” – and whoever bells that way should keep the ball flat anyway.

9 months ago

From time to time, I translate foreign-language lyrics into German so that the syllables match the musical lengths of the melody. I always get the red thread, but with the subtleties I have to look at what e.g. gets on “home”:

Then I ask the search engine “what reimburses on the house?”
She’s looking for a moment, and she’ll spit it out.

das-reimt-sich-auf.de/haus.html etc.

Rule for beginners: The last syllable on one line must be as loud as the last syllable on the next line. House and out sound similar.

If you speak badly German, you can’t always recognize it.

9 months ago

Hol sir a book with poems You have lots of examples.

Read lyrics that are usually reimbursed.

9 months ago

There are even Online-Reimlexika in google. Enter!

The rhyme is the equivalent of the end silver/n of the words. Where do you see a problem?

Reimes can be at the end of the corresponding sentences. Then you can hear them best. But this is usually instinctive – only quite when reading quietly.

Good, skillful rhymes stand at the line end, but not at the set end! More difficult to hear, only right when the line rhythm is not the same.


Three lines of three one-and-a-half-line sentences end with, for example, the remnants “burned”, “manned”, “relative”. The next three have other reimbursing words, e.g. without end-“r”: “converting”, “existing”, “transverse”

There begins (!) the art of poetry.

9 months ago

Words, or more precisely, the syllables in words that sound similar, mimic when you think or speak them out. There are single-silvered mimes, such as “House/Maus”, and multi-silver mimes, such as “Achterbahnfahrt/Macher am Start” 😀

9 months ago
Reply to  Symetrie

Then you should work in here. https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reim
If you have any questions, I’d get involved in the article.

9 months ago

You can learn from me,
because I learned from lanterns.
My rhymes are good,
when I reime is no one full of anger.
Be my student,
CPU coolers.

9 months ago
Reply to  PTMtobi

Pain let go, the mimes are ne plach