Wo kann ich ohne Führerschein fahren?

Hallo zusammen,

ich musste meinen Führerschein für einen Monat abgeben und jetzt sind noch 9 Tage übrig.

Ich habe in der Zwischenzeit einige Reparaturen an meinem Auto getätigt und möchte nun das Auto Probefahren, da ich nicht möchte, dass irgendwas nicht funktioniert wenn ich meinen Führerschein habe.

Um alles genau zu testen müsste ich +50 km/h fahren – was ja auf einem Verkehrsübungsplatz nicht erlaubt ist.

Wo sonst kann ich das Auto fahren ohne das es illegal ist ?

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1 year ago

On private grounds that cannot be entered or traveled by anyone (e.g. fenced-in company premises) with the consent of the owner.

1 year ago

The problem will be that hardly one has a pacified private property, where you are likely to drive and also the traffic exercise site is due for well-known reasons.

That’s why it would make sense to take part in the ride from the passenger’s seat and drive jmd., who still can….

Also and just from the passenger seat, you can focus well on the driving characteristics.


1 year ago

On private grounds.

1 year ago
Reply to  mat22

Consider that private property can be used by anyone (e.g. parking of shopping centres) is public transport space.

1 year ago

On a private plot. Or let someone do the test drive that has a valid license.

1 year ago
Reply to  Kleckerfrau

Consider that private property can be used by anyone (e.g. parking of shopping centres) is public transport space.

Or let someone do the test drive that has a valid license.

That would definitely be the number.