Wo kann ich mich nach einem Werdegang informieren um Psychologin/Psychotherapeut zu werden?

Hallo Leute, kann man sich an irgendwen wenden der mir alle meine Fragen zu dem oben genannten Titel beantworten kann?

irgendwie eine Nummer im Internet oder Ähnliches?

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2 years ago

It’s difficult. The Internet is currently full of “old” information. The study of psychologists and the “new” psychotherapists was recently reformed. Soon there will be a study program “psychotherapy” separated from the study program “psychology”. That’s just not everywhere. Therefore, there are again transitional arrangements etc.

Therefore my advice: consider which university you want to study. See if they offer psychology, if no, look for another university. Then you will look at the website of the respective university for a general study advice. This goes by telephone/personally (it is all there). This usually answers the first questions. If you still have questions open, please contact the relevant specialist study advice. You can find all this on the websites of the respective universities. The general academic advice is not very specific to your respective university.

2 years ago

that are 2 very different titles and strictly speaking there is another third (namely the question of approbation ability).

I would like to say in vocational counselling or in the study counselling.


2 years ago

then go there.


free, anonymous, silence of psych. Adviser

2 years ago

What is he saying? Studies . Nc etc