Wo kann ich in Deutschland Canabis Samen kaufen?

Soll ja bald Legalisiert werden und bis dahin könnte man es ja schonmal anpflanzen das man es dann wenn es legal ist konsumiert. Wo bekomme ich aber die samen her? Nur im Ausland oder auch in Deutschland?

Und wie siehts mit diesen Vereinen aus ? Weis jemand wie viel das kosten würde wenn man so einen beitritt?

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1 year ago

Anyone who grows, even though it is only “legal” in 2024, is punishable. Seeds are shipped from the Netherlands, Austria and Spain. There are hundreds of different seed providers.
However, the import of these seeds for cultivation purposes is still illegal in this country.

The “Vereines” is called CSC, Cannabis Social Clubs. Whether there is a CSC in your city or in your surroundings, you have to find out yourself. Get familiar with this website: CSCD – Association of German Cannabis Social Clubs (csc-dachverband.de)

1 year ago

You can simply order seeds from the Netherlands. The cultivation of your own is not possible as you have 3 flowering plants, but only 25g. Since a plant alone throws over 25g, you can’t grow up without making you punishable, and this will take advantage of the police in federal states with Union in the government ice cold.

On the one hand, the growing associations will be difficult to implement because of the inhuman distance regulations, and then they will be overrun by x member candidate heillos. You probably won’t get membership there.

The end of the song will be that people continue to pick up up up to 25g from the black market, the CDU 2025 is elected back to the Bundestag and sees how it is running with the black market being relocated (which was the main argument for partial legalization) that it has brought absolutely nothing and the law is re-emergence.

1 year ago
Reply to  JodlMcSwaggins

You can also keep the plant small. There are extra competitions for this.

1 year ago
Reply to  MyMiniMedie6th

The effort will be the least, let alone know. No one has a plant standing with a 200W (mostly more) lamp for 3 months to be able to smoke a few weeks of it in the end.

1 year ago

At the moment, however, it is still illegal, even cultivation. Seeds can be ordered in Holland via the Internet, but do not know addresses.

I didn’t go through the clubs, either, whether you can only grow in the club. If everyone should grow their own plants, you don’t need clubs

1 year ago

Since it is currently illegal you will be here max. cannabis seeds as a dietary supplement. The cultivation remains illegal until then.

1 year ago

I don’t think this will be legalized until the government changes. In Germany you get the seeds not only via websites such as 1000Seeds.info