Wo kann ich günstig meine Brillengläser wechseln?
Hallo alle,
ich habe eine alte Brille und möchte nur ihre Gläser wechseln, ich bin zu Fielmann gegangen und sie sagten mir, dass ich 60€ (das war sogar das günstigste Angebot) bezahlen muss. Ich sehe diesen Preis als verrückt teuer, um nur die Gläser zu wechseln.
Weiß jemand, wo ich das gegen günstigeren Preis machen lassen kann?
Why is that crazy expensive?
Do you think why I find this crazy expensive, or do you really wonder why it’s too expensive? I have no idea.
I see this price as crazy expensive,
You sure you wrote that yourself, didn’t you?
I was just repeating your sentence and asking why you’re telling this Bertag for crazy expensive. So again, why are these glasses crazy expensive?
You’re welcome if it really helped you.
Thanks for the explanation.
So a question is a comment? Strange. Well.
that you make this in Fielmann at a reasonable price.
dju were with this company, Surely the working time for grinding the glasses into your version was included at the €60, while the specified €10 was the price for the glasses. They arrive in a round state and still have to be put in the shape of your glasses. This is time and of course costs money, you certainly don’t work for free.
Yes, I wrote this, but your comment can also be understood in other ways.
Answer: Because I’ve read on the Internet that you do it in Fielmann at a reasonable price. I also telephoned their customer service and they told me “mostly 10€”.
60€ for new glasses are not crazy! You won’t get that much cheaper. I assume you don’t have a good quality at the 60€.
What did you expect to pay for new glasses+ installation?
10€, as the customer service told me, but perhaps as the other user said, this is only the price of the glasses themselves, not the installation.
This is the first time I do this in Germany, so I have no idea, so I have no idea about the price.
I think customer service could be clearer and tell me the final price directly.
for 10€ you won’t get usable glasses. But I’m right to give you the customer service, and I should give you more clear information.