Wo kann ich es kaufen?
Hey also ich würde mir gerne ein Iphone 15 Pro Max kaufen aber weiß nicht wo. Habe eigentlich schon überall geschaut, aber ich habe immer nur gebrauchte oder erneuerte Telfone gefunden. Aber ich hätte gerne ein Originalverpacktes Iphone. Vielleicht wisst ihr wo ich eins kaufen kann. Am besten Online den in meiner Stadt gibt es nur so 1-2 Telefonläden bei denen war ich schon, leider erfolgslos
Contrary to many internet couples, it is actually one of the most convenient ways to get to a high-quality phone when you make a vendor change and get the device to the contract. Not all offers are of course good, but if you have one Price comparison then you can see that the best bundles are significantly cheaper than the separate payment of mobile phone and tariff.
But I know I’m very happy with Deutsche Telekom and I don’t see any reason to change right now. But soon the contract extension will be with me maybe I’ll get it
I think that’s a good idea. If I can help, let me know. ^Jutta
Yes, contract extensions are the second best way to get to a new device. The conditions are usually not as good as new customer offers. But it’s more comfortable. With an intermediate port, you could even stay with Deutsche Telekom and still receive new customer conditions. However, this is a bit difficult when you have MagentaEINS, which is highly recommended at Telekom. Otherwise the tariffs are simply too expensive.
Can you buy in any media market/ Saturn! I don’t see any problem online also possible \./
Already searched online in the media market but found the price somewhat expensive. But it can understand what else these shops should survive. And actually I like to go to shops to support them, but with such things you have to draw limits and act for your good. I am already grateful for the few electric shops that still exist, there is nothing better than to touch the product.
Look here:
They’re completely new, aren’t they?
Yeah, you see that below the memory size. There’s a selection between “New” or “B-Ware & Used”
Look at the price of the 15 Pro Max and see the renewed devices and their prices. What do you think is better? New or renewed. Is better for the environment for the renewed But with mobile phones you don’t have to start with the environment and sustainability