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4 years ago

If your aquarium is actually large enough and suitable, then there are either local specialist trades, such as zoo shops or aquarium shops that offer these fish or get to order, or you order on the internet. There are quite a number of shops where ornamental fish can be ordered easily and well – the shipping costs are very high.

They are so high because the animals are only allowed to be transported with a certified shipment – only “night” – so they are with you the next day.

And no, this is not animal torment – so the ornamental fish, for example, almost always get into the zoo shops, because even the animals do not grow, but buy them at the wholesaler.

If you order yourself, you will save the animals even the intermediate storage at the Zooladen.

4 years ago
Reply to  Ben23b

I’ve never cared for them, but I’d just say, yes, they do. Because all fish eat everything that fits in their mouth…