Wo kann ich ein Backup von meinen Dateien machen?
- Ich habe meinen PC mit einem Virus den ich schon seit über einem Jahr habe aber bevor ich meinen PC zurück setze will ich noch meine Dateien haben aus der zeit wo mein Computer noch keine Vieren hatte aber ich weiß nicht wo ich meine daten von vor über einem Jahr finden kann? oder ist das überhaupt nicht mehr möglich?
You must have made the backup logically before you captured the virus, after that it won’t work.
How can I make a backup?
You didn’t understand the answer.
Especially since the question of a location of complete nonsense is.
If you didn’t backup earlier, you don’t have a backup from which you could save data.
If you had done a backup, you would know where it is.
You can either copy all the data to an extrene hard disk or use an extra program (e.g. Macrium Reflect).
DIe datein a year ago you will find in your cabinet where you store your backup hard disks.
With Win10 and Win11 the Defender virus protection is preinstalled.
Alternatively, Avast (Free) or Avira (Free) etc. can also be installed.
The Defender is then automatically disabled.
What makes you think you have a virus on board?
Did you scan the disks/SSD with your virus protection program?
Was there a pest found? What’s his name?
If you don’t virus scan – No “snell check, but “Full review!
Why don’t you just install a proper antivirus app from AVG or Avast and do a complete scan?
If everything is cleaned, then secure your photos and videos to an external disk.
What’s not there anymore is no longer there.
Backups are usually done before it comes to data loss and not only after.
There are some possibilities.
A NAS system is particularly recommended. NAS systems are usually expensive, but for your purposes, an old used for less than 100€ is sufficient.
With two built-in hard drives and in RAID1 mode, the data is written twice or on each hard disk redundantly. If one of the plates fails, you still have a second with all the data.
In addition, you can connect the NAS directly to the router and let your backups run automatically in the home network. You can set that your NAS will start for example on a specific day a week and make backups from specific folders of your PC.
Another option for manual backups is an external SSD.
You can take one of the backups you normally do from a year ago.
Didn’t you make a backup? Then you had bad luck.
Guess he/she didn’t make a backup – otherwise the question of “where” could not make any sense!
Of course, therefore also the chosen set-up 😉
The question completely confused me.
If it is actually a virus, then it is quite in every file.
Viruses are malware that copies itself to other files when running, and spread by sharing infected files. Often, the bad effect only changes time.
Today, there are hardly any viruses that are detected very easily by antivirus software. Because clear, a program that suddenly modifies all files on the computer is more noticeable.
Today there are mainly worms and trojans, with these you can keep the files.
The problem with me is yes I have not done a backup and the virus always closes my browser when I try to download an anti virus program (or it also closes the task manager)
not just so much
Also this is complete garbage
Viruses are nonstop, there are also new ones. “more viruses” is an absolute waste statement.
Viruses don’t just copy to “other files”. Do you even know how files are built? Something else about “copying” would completely destroy the original data. A video would be unplayable or severely broken, a Save datei ofn’s game would be unreadable.
And even the great virus does not know where exactly he is now. It doesn’t work like that.
For example, you could use a windows or linux live cd/usb stick to scan the hard drive.
You can also reinstall windows, in the rule there is an option to keep personal data and reinstall only windows.
EIn trojaner could be all software.
This works in the practice in the rule so that a nasty, a software with a trojaner modified and you then download the software with the trojaner instead of the original software.
So come to the source where you put it down.
ES also gives software that is designed from the beginning as trojaner, but that is rather rare.
And what can I do about it?
Trojans do not necessarily read data, but many do. That’s called spyware.
Is one of you perhaps Lunar Client?
I feel that you don’t have any Trojans (program that reads your data) or virus. Or malware, absolutely no matter. Probably bugs with you just n bit of the browser etc. and that was lol
malware that has been camouflaged as useful software(e.g. as video game) on your computer, but in the background does something else.
What’s that?
It doesn’t sound like a virus, it sounds like a trojan.
You have the windows defender. Let the nen make full scan
Questionmaker writes virus. You write virus several times.
You think you’re confused, lol.
I think you’re confusing the term virus with malware. Viruses are an outdated type of malware.
Yes I know how data are built, after all, I studied software engineering.