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2 years ago

I’ll try with a Pope

“The tax collection mainly helps to overcome inequalities, to make investments so that more work is created, to ensure good health and education for all and to create infrastructures that facilitate social life and the economy”

Taxes are means which the State collects in order to provide services to the Community. These include basic medical care, infrastructure, training, defence etc.

The argument that one pays the taxes for things that one does not want is, in principle, not wrong but just as stupid as that which the State enforces the payment of taxes by force is the factual feature of the robbery/theft.

You say taxpayers are investing for things you refuse, then let’s see if we really don’t want these things:

  • You don’t want roads, walkways, bridges, PNV etc and do not use them?
  • You don’t want drinking water and don’t use it either?
  • You don’t want schools and you didn’t even visit them?
  • You don’t need fire? (What if it burns?)
  • You don’t want police and courts?

Then I would suggest you go to Somalia or to Libya or other legal rooms. You don’t pay taxes and you don’t have to accept the above inconvenience.

In fact, we have no personal influence on whether the local airport is expensively built by dilettantic politicians and perhaps never opened up, or whether it is bought with the money tanks. But only by the fact that we (you, I, etc pp) are in a community funded by taxes, leads to the conclusion of a kind of “contract”, of course you cannot choose your birth death (and therefore your country). But this “contract” allows us to use all of the infrastructure financed by taxes (inefficiently, if necessary) and, in some ways, obliges us to pay taxes.

Taxes are therefore a countervailing for the services and services received by the State (even if §3 AO defines this somewhat differently).

So you still don’t want to pay tax: there are countries that don’t charge taxes. You’re free to go.

2 years ago

at most by black work. I also do not want officials to be funded by me, who do not pay social contributions and pension contributions.

Officials also have to pay in Austria.

Then there are billions of waste. See here Covenant of taxpayers with bridges running into nothing

2 years ago
Reply to  Kundenfreund57

Until the 1950s, officials also paid social security contributions. Then their remunerations were significantly reduced and they were exempted from payment. That was much cheaper for the state. Unfortunately, he did not save it for pension payments. Even today, the gross remuneration of officials is significantly lower than comparable employees. And then they still have to be self-insured.

So stop complaining that officials don’t pay pension insurance contributions if you don’t know the actual circumstances.

2 years ago
Reply to  Geochelone

Poor officials: If google doesn’t lie, that’s what it is.

Officials do not pay social security contributions, receive insurance grants and may be pleased with a good pension. However, they pay their taxes as well as all other employees and can therefore also save taxes at the same places.

2 years ago

Taxes are not a wish concert. Everyone, through his taxes, also finances things he finds idiotic.

But the only way you have to pay no taxes here in Germany is to emigrate, You then pay taxes in your new country and finance things you don’t like.

2 years ago
Reply to  Joker357

Then someday the inch I pay with my taxes comes and takes you hop.

And this is good for society because black work is unsolidar and for you because you are not insured with black work and you do nothing for your retirement.

2 years ago

You can work volunteers. At the table, animal welfare, social work, nursing service, there is something useful and honorable.

2 years ago

Black work. All other from 520€ per month is taxable.

2 years ago
Reply to  Jikaya

Tax payable here from birth – with some number it has nothing to do.

2 years ago
Reply to  grossefrau681

Yes, I know, but you can’t pay tax if you don’t have income. (If you leave VAT on the outside)

2 years ago

If you want Ukraine to be helped with tanks, you have to pay taxes. 🤷

2 years ago

You can work in your household without paying taxes. Washing, cleaning, cooking.

2 years ago

Then you have to put your money in the energy envelope. It’s very lucrative. So for the energy companies. Since Lindner finally puts our pensions at the casino on RWE and Rheinmetall, I’m really not worried xp