Wo ist die prä mRNA und die komplementäre RNA und welche geht jetzt weiter zu mrna prozessierung?
Welche ist jetzt die prä mrna und welche die komplementäre rna
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The illustration shows the transcription.
The DNA double strand is open and RNA nucleotides are deposited.
The middle part represents the mRNA, in the case of eukaryotes it is called pre-RNA, since it still has to be processed. There is certainly another picture.
You throw the terms so confused that I have difficulty recognizing the question.
The mRNA is complementary to the antisense strand. When the mRNA copy of the sense string is finished, this is called “pre-mRNA”. The pre-mRNA is then processed and thus used for the mature mRNA, which is poured out of the cell nucleus and used for translation.
And which one is now on the picture?
Only one mRNA can be seen on the image and this is just synthesized.
It is not processed to the pre-mRNA. The pre-mRNA is the state after transcription, the unprocessed mRNA. The pre-mRNA is processed to mature mRNA.
How is it processed to pre mrna?
The image shows in blue an opened DNA double helix, separated into scense and antisense strand. At the antisense stage, a mRNA transcript is formed in green, which consequently contains the information of the sense string. One sees in yellow how the polymerase works on the synthesis of the RNA. A single-stranded mRNA is formed. If it is finished, this pre-mRNA is processed and mature mRNA.
I don’t understand what strand is on the picture. Which strand goes to mrna processing and which one does not? There are two. And there are two strands on the picture
In the DNA, the base hybridizes cytosine with guanine, adenine pairing with thymine. In the RNA, instead of thymine, uracil is present and paired with adenine bases of the DNA.
But why is in the middle U and the last not U?