Wo ist der Unterschied?
Ne extrem dumme Frage. Ist zb ne 125er exc gleich schnell wie ne 300 ccm oder 500. Ist bei ccm die beschleunigung oder end topspeed besser oder anders. Natürlich alle offen. Danke!
Ne extrem dumme Frage. Ist zb ne 125er exc gleich schnell wie ne 300 ccm oder 500. Ist bei ccm die beschleunigung oder end topspeed besser oder anders. Natürlich alle offen. Danke!
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the speed determines the force you have to apply to reach them. Say:
a 125ccm machine can have 34 hp, a 500ccm machine can also have 34 hp, then they should be approximately the same fast (depending on the air resistance, i.e., both with trim, not one with and one without).
the acceleration will already be different because a machine with 500ccm will already afford this 34 HP at low speeds, but the 125ccm machine will only have to reach high speeds (so that the many small explosions in the small cylinder in total produce sufficient power). that will take place at the little one.
helpful is then a gear with many gears, with which also the small motörchen turns more often in the speed range, where it produces high power. the 500 doesn’t need that.
This is difficult to understand, however, because the different large motors in practice will of course not have the same power.
34 hp at a 125ccm are hardly to drive, which is only available in pure-bred rennn machines (liter power, i.e. at 1000ccm would be 272 hp)
if the 500-engine were to be bred, it would have to get 136 hp from 500ccm. It’ll be difficult.
with the same power, the 125 renn machine (honda RC149) must rotate at 20500 revolutions to produce this power. the 500s, on the other hand, makes this easy at 5000 revolutions.
which is then faster is not dependent on performance. the 125 is spring-light, which is very different and can travel with thin, ripe, slanted slopes. on the runway, one who can drive, travel around the 500s. in the resin or on an alpen pass you have to turn, which is probably the 500’s relaxed, but in the 125’s renn machine you would be able to heat the clutch because you have to grind it so often at overspeed.
(a) a wonderful topic of origin, by the way ;
A 125 will never be as fast as a 500.