Wo Hamster holen?
Mein Hamster ist vor ein paar Monaten gestorben und ich würde mir in den nächsten Monaten gerne einen neuen holen. Mein letzter war aus dem Zooladen und im Nachhinein weiß ich natürlich, dass das nicht richtig war und wie schlecht es ist, Tiere im Zooladen zu holen. Das Problem ist, dass es in den Tierheimen in der Umgebung nur Hunde und Katzen gibt, und es in der Nähe meines Wissens nach auch keine erfahrenen Züchter oder Hamsterrettungsstationen (mit in der Nähe meine ich bis zu 45 min um meinen Wohnort rum). Hat jemand Tipps?
Danke im voraus:))
Care center. There is always a way to get it. They often offer ‘MFG’ (riding opportunities) and so on. So it always works. They at least ensure that it works:D
Thank you!
I agree with OrangeLila, care centers/homster aids make sure that the hamster can be brought to you or close to you, because they absolutely need good places for the hamsters.
Just ask the next one and ask if an MFG would be possible so that you don’t have to go so far.
Thank you.
Care centres often have “riding opportunities” and you just have to talk to people.
The Hamsterhilfe NRW mediates e.g. throughout Germany.
You can also take an animal from someone. I have my 2 cans of Ebay classifieds. The previous owners had to separate themselves from personal circumstances.
Also from a breeder you have no guarantee to get a healthy animal.
Nagers have incredibly often parasites. From zoo shops almost all now and accordingly the animals of EBay classifieds also. So you’d have to know something about quarantine and Kotprobe.
And don’t pay much / nothing! Otherwise, it’s just scraping.