Wo gibts extrem gute Brezeln im Raum Berlin?
Ich suche die leckersten Brezeln zum Einverleiben in der Gegend rund um Berlin, nur keine Butterbrezeln sondern die normalen. Könnt ihr mir bestimmte Bäcker (sowohl große Ketten als auch traditionelle handwerkliche Bäcker) oder auch Backshops aus Supermärkten empfehlen, wo die Brezeln überdurchschnittlich genial schmecken? Vor allem ist mir ein luftiger herzhafter Teig wichtig – die meisten Fertigbrezeln aus dem Supermarkt schmecken pappig und reizlos.
Isn’t that the dyke?
It’s factory, but it’s delicious. The pulps are freshly baked and sold at the sales stands.
Yes, it is, it has not been there for a long time. Thank you.
was there the other day and I must say I had really not expected to make the so good pulps – the pumpkin seed pulpit has tasted excellent! And I also did not have on the screen that Ditsch is explicitly called “Brezelbäckerei” and has been on the market for so long (since 1919) – so I can definitely say that Ditsch is my standard source of reference for good pulps.
He makes many good snacks. It used to be more often in the factory sale in Mainz. All frozen to buy. Laugencroissants, pizza pieces, lobe cheese bar with a debrezine sausage in it. Unfortunately, there are no longer the sling pockets with fresh cheese filling.
I used to eat the mini pizzas, but since I live vegan nowadays I have to limit myself to the pulps. I hope they do vegan mini pizzas sometime. Also cool that there are some of their products to make them beat.
Banach Empress Augusta Avenue 37,
10589 Berlin (Charlottenburg)
Thanks for the recommendation!
With us (near Munich) the Brezn vom Piller.
He also makes the big ones he delivers to the meadows.
Question was subsequently processed – there was nothing from Berlin.
Where do you live?
It doesn’t use anything if I write the name of my baker and you live hundreds of kilometers away.
In my tribal bakery everything is still baked (no supplied “dig blanks”), Brezeln not only in the morning, also in the afternoon. It is a family business in the third generation and the fourth will also exist.
gots updated, come from Berlin (I think there is traditional baker craft unfortunately very rare).
Then it’s too far to “my” baker, I live in Ba-Wü
Close to the Brandenburg Gate is always a mobile pretzel seller who has baked the normals and with cheese. Very delicious nice fluffy
very interesting, I’ll try it. Thank you.
Bakery Alof in Munich.
No. 1. We don’t know where you live. 2. There are other backshops at Edeka in Flensburg than in Stuttgart and 3. Forget these backshops – there you get everything, only no reasonable bread or breaks.
You have to go to a baker who still produces bread and rolls with manual work. Unfortunately, there is less and less.
have updated the question, had not in mind that even the common chains are regionally limited, it is about Berlin. but thanks for the answer.
Best Selling in Berlin – Google Search
You could have done that yourself.
the principle instead googeln meets very many questions to be asked here, but if you are here you can also see what some people recommend here personally, sometimes the preferred way to find an answer.
In the end, it doesn’t matter if you recommend a bakery that is not in your area…
A large proportion of bakeries and, above all, bakeries work with bakers, so they taste “bescheiden”…
updated the question, it’s about the Berlin area.
– There’s only good pretzels at the real baker! Everything else is industrial!
which is specifically recommended?
Bäckerei Böhringer (family operation) with me around the corner!
Baking Selber
Makes the best
Just like homemade bread rolls etc
that is possible, but was not the question.
But could be far better than a bakery at the other end of the world for you.
It is
At the ingenious bakery in the Black Forest it is like this;-)
The bigger the chain the more industrial stuff you get, and that doesn’t taste as great as the small shop around the corner that still does it.
Here, of course, you have to meet your personal taste first. I then like the pulp at bakers and you like those at bakers b, whereas someone else prefers the ready pile of bakers c.
True, the area has now bordered on Berlin, had thought if such large chains are recommended but still good, it could be independent of the region.
At ALDI in Beckum.
Why especially in Beckum is there a special baker in the Aldi?
Sorry read Berlin…
What’s wrong? Do you think I’m changing the question so you’re suddenly stupid? I’ve specified them to get more answers. Also mentioned in most comments here again.
OK quite unfair from the FS…then for the Enlightenment..
No, you didn’t read it. The FS only added in the after.