Wo gibt es unverbindliche Poesie-Treffen in Hamburg oder Nordersteht?
Mein Hobby ist das kreative Schreiben. Hauptsächlich Gedichte, aber auch Kurzgeschichten. Ich suche einen Ort, wo man andere Menschen kennenlernen kann (junge Menschen 17-25), die mein Hobby teilen. Man verabredet sich und setzt sich in ein Café oder ähnliches, um sich auszutauschen. Ganz unverbindlich. Im Internet hatte ich bisher kein Erfolg.
Go to a book fair… Never met such a big bunch of great people as there. But then you have to find out that older vegetables are running around.
Thank you.
On Facebook you did not find such a group? Did you try to set up a group like that?
I have no facebook.
Then register? It is quite simple and very practical for such things. I got to know my Dungeons&Dragons group.
You always have to pay attention to who the admins are. I would always avoid a gentleman who has to do with authors.
If you’re provocative about me, how do you think I’m a person you should avoid?
Interesting. I’ve never heard of it
I’m not talking about you, but about a certain baron who’s an admin in many groups of authors.
Just look a little further. Try different search terms and see if you find groups.
Unfortunately, I don’t know if you’re making such groups on services like Instagram or whether they’re really just thinking for online networking.
I did it now. But in my vicinity there are no likes and otherwise there are only older people inside unfortunately