Wo gibt es typisch australische Küche?
Wo oder was gibt es da? Was ist typisch Australisch? Ich habe noch gar nichts typisch australisches gegessen. Doch wird es höchste Zeit. Was meinst du? Es gibt ja sehr viele westliche/asiatische Küche. Was wäre aber so richtig australisch? Und wo gibt es das in Australien selbst?
If you were really in Australia and have contact with Australians, you could go to dinner in one of the many clubs. You get Australian cuisine.
Otherwise get a meatpie, like touchytt has suggested or let you invite to a BBQ.
I really didn’t know what was supposed to be typical Australian cuisine, except maybe kangaroo or crocodile! – I was in Australia, and I found only one kitchen there – which was very similar to the European one.
evtl Pavlova or Meat Pies.
Bunnings. Bratwurststand. 😂
That’s absolute insider knowledge. 😂😂
Try grilled Skippy. Typical. And don’t distract from your actual problems.
Grilling is typical of the country. Right. But not the Skippy. It hurts. Typical is lamp, pork, steak, sausage, but no roo in any child.
If you want to throw Skippy on the grill, I can guarantee you that very quickly people will stand outside your door and try to stop you.